[DFTB-Plus-User] Running DFTB+ on Windows10

Michael Kausch yodah at web.de
Fri Sep 14 17:41:33 CEST 2018

Dear DFTB+ users!

There is sometimes the question if it is possible to run the latest 
DFTB+ versions on Windows without compilation.
Since Windows10 this is easily possible via the new Windows Subsystem 
for Linux (WSL).
To install WSL on your computer see:


Ubuntu Linux is a good choice to take.
After installation of WSL download the latest stable DFTB+ Linux 
executable (18.2). In Ubuntu-Bash type:

-o dftbplus.tar.xz

and unpack it:

tar -xvf dftbplus.tar.xz

You find the executable now in:


That's it.

Programs like MoCalc2012 (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mocalc2012/) 
help by running the program and evaluating the results on the Windows 
side of the computer.

Best regards

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