[DFTB-Plus-User] the distance in molecular dynamics by dftb+
hffsh.1982 at 163.com
Wed Jul 9 08:57:24 CEST 2014
Dear all:
I am a new user in MD by DFTB+. I have tried to calculate the distance of one atom to surface as a function of simulation time. But I don't know how to get the message of the distance of one atom to surface. Could anyone give me some suggestions? Thank you in advance.
The following is my dftb_in.hsd file
Geometry = GenFormat {
<<< "geom-opt.gen"
Driver = VelocityVerlet {
Steps = 2000
TimeStep [Femtosecond] = 1.000000000000000
Thermostat = None {
InitialTemperature [Kelvin] = 273.150000000000
OutputPrefix = "geom.out"
Hamiltonian = DFTB {
SCC = Yes
SCCTolerance = 1.0E-005
MaxSCCIterations = 9999
Mixer = Broyden {
MixingParameter = 5.000000000000000E-002
CachedIterations = 8
MaxAngularMomentum = {
Ti = "d"
O = "p"
H = "s"
N = "p"
C = "p"
S = "d"
Charge = 0.000000000000000E+000
SpinPolarisation = {}
Eigensolver = Standard {}
Dispersion = LennardJones {
Parameters = UFFParameters {}
Filling = Fermi {
Temperature [Kelvin] = 1.000000000000000E-008
SlaterKosterFiles = {
Ti-O =''Ti-O.skf''
Ti-H =''Ti-H.skf''
Ti-N =''Ti-N.skf''
Ti-C =''Ti-C.skf''
Ti-S =''Ti-C.skf''
O-Ti =''O-Ti.skf''
O-O =''O-O.skf''
O-H =''O-H.skf''
O-N =''O-N.skf''
O-C =''O-C.skf''
O-S =''O-S.skf''
H-Ti =''H-Ti.skf''
H-O =''H-O.skf''
H-H =''H-H.skf''
H-N =''H-N.skf''
H-C =''H-C.skf''
H-S =''H-S.skf''
N-Ti =''N-Ti.skf''
N-O =''N-O.skf''
N-H =''N-H.skf''
N-N =''N-N.skf''
N-C =''N-C.skf''
N-S =''N-S.skf''
C-O =''C-O.skf''
C-H =''C-H.skf''
C-N =''C-N.skf''
C-C =''C-C.skf''
C-S =''C-S.skf''
S-Ti =''S-Ti.skf''
S-O =''S-O.skf''
S-H =''S-H.skf''
S-N =''S-N.skf''
S-C =''S-C.skf''
S-S =''S-S.skf''
ReadInitialCharges = No
Options = {
WriteAutotestTag = Yes
RandomSeed = 12321
ParserOptions = {
ParserVersion = 4
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