[DFTB-Plus-User] Error allocating memory

Pasan Henadeera henadeerapb at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 15:57:37 CET 2022

Dear developers and users,

In order to check if DFTB+ can be used to evaluate the system sizes
relevant for my study within the available computational resources, I tried
to do a bulk simulation for Si. Initially I started with 64 atoms, which
went perfectly well. However when I increased my system size to 1728 atoms,
I received the following error message

In file
around line 4665: Error allocating 294107480064 bytes: Cannot allocate

Does this happen because I am working with the executable without compiling
DFTB+ on my system. Also, I have only 32GB of memory in my system.

Thank you
Best regards
Pasan Henadeera
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