[DFTB-Plus-User] Scalapack operation failed

Alessandro LANDI alelandi1 at unisa.it
Fri Jun 26 11:52:37 CEST 2020

Dear DFTB+ users,
I have a problem concerning the optimization of a unit cell (one molecule,
Lattice parametres fixed; the gen file and the dftb_in.hsd are provided at
the end of this email). I used the Slako_3ob files plus the matsci files
for Si.

Unfortunately, right at the beginning of the optimization I get this error:

***  Geometry step: 0

 iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
Scalapack operation failed!
ppotrf in scalafx_ppotrf_dreal
Info: 28
forrtl: warning (525): IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO is signaling
forrtl: warning (526): IEEE_INVALID is signaling
forrtl: warning (528): IEEE_UNDERFLOW is signaling

I read in a previous mail that it may indicate that the atoms are too close
together, but I do not think this may be the case, since (1) I extracted
the structure from the experimental CIF files and (2) I performed the same
calculations (on the same structure) three years ago using DFTB+ version
1.3 without getting any errors.

I also read that including "WriteHSDInput = No" may solve the error but it
didn't worked in my case

Any ideas what is going wrong?

Thank you for any help you can give me

Best regards,
GEN structure:
100 S
Si C H
     1   1   3.5745505800E+00   5.4217732400E+00   5.3243934000E+00
     2   2   4.0029077100E+00   6.2034223900E+00   3.7166030600E+00
     3   2   3.8701588100E+00   3.5682511300E+00   5.1629382000E+00
     4   2   4.7405505800E+00   6.1436113400E+00   6.6059749700E+00
     5   2   1.7610486300E+00   5.7696662700E+00   5.6487880700E+00
     6   2   4.2310911100E+00   6.6838281900E+00   2.6347377700E+00
     7   3   3.6352360600E+00   3.1487215400E+00   6.0393150500E+00
     8   2   2.9763043600E+00   2.9271869700E+00   4.0858555500E+00
     9   2   5.3447318700E+00   3.2584504600E+00   4.8832364400E+00
    10   3   5.6643838300E+00   5.9543799500E+00   6.2718501200E+00
    11   2   4.6522507600E+00   5.4837985900E+00   7.9833741900E+00
    12   2   4.6466376600E+00   7.6645904900E+00   6.7324674500E+00
    13   3   1.3090312200E+00   5.2894073300E+00   4.8964299200E+00
    14   2   1.2478694200E+00   5.0457381700E+00   6.8490648300E+00
    15   2   1.2953755000E+00   7.1427448900E+00   5.4752938200E+00
    16   2   4.4556082900E+00   7.2153077600E+00   1.3198426600E+00
    17   3   3.1245440500E+00   3.3773878700E+00   3.2274548200E+00
    18   3   2.0361444400E+00   3.0191691600E+00   4.3456021700E+00
    19   3   3.1996044000E+00   1.9766324800E+00   3.9992733400E+00
    20   3   5.4637524200E+00   2.2894422900E+00   4.7925312700E+00
    21   3   5.8941299900E+00   3.5862848700E+00   5.6253696400E+00
    22   3   5.6204926600E+00   3.6999585300E+00   4.0536964500E+00
    23   3   5.3902034000E+00   5.8014629600E+00   8.5444268900E+00
    24   3   4.7124817700E+00   4.5109998200E+00   7.8847529300E+00
    25   3   3.7985877800E+00   5.7178226500E+00   8.4025969900E+00
    26   3   3.7698250500E+00   7.9082791400E+00   7.0964425600E+00
    27   3   4.7587551500E+00   8.0733862000E+00   5.8496587900E+00
    28   3   5.3506837800E+00   7.9865801200E+00   7.3322760000E+00
    29   3   1.6392860100E+00   4.1474152300E+00   6.8820485200E+00
    30   3   2.7217224000E-01   4.9752814800E+00   6.7962909100E+00
    31   3   1.4959933500E+00   5.5386523800E+00   7.6588146000E+00
    32   3   1.7256396700E+00   7.5369549000E+00   4.6869834400E+00
    33   3   1.5244003500E+00   7.6681215200E+00   6.2702009300E+00
    34   3   3.2306404000E-01   7.1452301200E+00   5.3516049500E+00
    35   2   3.4698220300E+00   8.0462056700E+00   7.3636105000E-01
    36   2   5.6334909200E+00   6.8740924700E+00   6.1531088000E-01
    37   2   2.2944232100E+00   8.4014473500E+00   1.4196183500E+00
    38   2   3.6512120900E+00   8.5302128200E+00  -6.1531088000E-01
    39   2   5.8148809800E+00   7.3580996200E+00  -7.3636105000E-01
    40   2   6.6482758900E+00   6.0817998000E+00   1.1864236100E+00
    41   3   2.1728632500E+00   8.0927304900E+00   2.3088588400E+00
    42   2   1.3070462800E+00   9.1829620400E+00   8.4784595000E-01
    43   2   4.8290947200E+00   8.1889975300E+00  -1.3198426600E+00
    44   2   2.6364271200E+00   9.3225054900E+00  -1.1864236100E+00
    45   2   6.9902798000E+00   7.0028579400E+00  -1.4196183500E+00
    46   2   7.8070603500E+00   5.7573528800E+00   5.0498041000E-01
    47   3   6.5329489900E+00   5.7592392200E+00   2.0730254000E+00
    48   2   1.0956547000E-01   9.5365776200E+00   1.5423177000E+00
    49   2   1.4776426600E+00   9.6469524100E+00  -5.0498041000E-01
    50   2   5.0536119000E+00   8.7204771100E+00  -2.6347377700E+00
    51   3   2.7517540200E+00   9.6450660700E+00  -2.0730254000E+00
    52   3   7.1118397600E+00   7.3115748000E+00  -2.3088588400E+00
    53   2   7.9776567300E+00   6.2213432500E+00  -8.4784595000E-01
    54   2   8.8475626800E+00   4.9611650500E+00   1.0818652800E+00
    55   3  -2.1356910000E-02   9.2340023300E+00   2.4341968900E+00
    56   2  -8.4040332000E-01   1.0293584000E+01   9.5240427000E-01
    57   3  -1.6254001900E+00   1.0524814940E+01   1.4347908500E+00
    58   2   4.3714033000E-01   1.0443140250E+01  -1.0818652800E+00
    59   2   5.2817953000E+00   9.2008829000E+00  -3.7166030600E+00
    60   2   9.1751375400E+00   5.8677276700E+00  -1.5423177000E+00
    61   2   9.9580454100E+00   4.6561057800E+00   3.8310565000E-01
    62   3   1.0637908090E+01   4.1308046700E+00   7.8831037000E-01
    63   3   8.7539882500E+00   4.6431955300E+00   1.9724251200E+00
    64   2  -6.7334240000E-01   1.0748199510E+01  -3.8310565000E-01
    65   3  -1.3532050800E+00   1.1273500620E+01  -7.8831037000E-01
    66   3   5.3071476000E-01   1.0761109770E+01  -1.9724251200E+00
    67   1   5.7101524300E+00   9.9825320600E+00  -5.3243934000E+00
    68   3   9.3060599200E+00   6.1703029600E+00  -2.4341968900E+00
    69   2   1.0125106330E+01   5.1107212900E+00  -9.5240427000E-01
    70   3   1.0910103200E+01   4.8794903500E+00  -1.4347908500E+00
    71   2   5.4145442000E+00   1.1836054160E+01  -5.1629382000E+00
    72   2   4.5441524300E+00   9.2606939500E+00  -6.6059749700E+00
    73   2   7.5236543800E+00   9.6346390300E+00  -5.6487880700E+00
    74   3   5.6494669500E+00   1.2255583760E+01  -6.0393150500E+00
    75   2   6.3083986500E+00   1.2477118320E+01  -4.0858555500E+00
    76   2   3.9399711400E+00   1.2145854840E+01  -4.8832364400E+00
    77   3   3.6203191800E+00   9.4499253400E+00  -6.2718501200E+00
    78   2   4.6324522500E+00   9.9205067000E+00  -7.9833741900E+00
    79   2   4.6380653500E+00   7.7397148100E+00  -6.7324674500E+00
    80   3   7.9756717900E+00   1.0114897960E+01  -4.8964299200E+00
    81   2   8.0368335900E+00   1.0358567120E+01  -6.8490648300E+00
    82   2   7.9893275100E+00   8.2615604000E+00  -5.4752938200E+00
    83   3   6.1601589600E+00   1.2026917420E+01  -3.2274548200E+00
    84   3   7.2485585700E+00   1.2385136130E+01  -4.3456021700E+00
    85   3   6.0850986100E+00   1.3427672810E+01  -3.9992733400E+00
    86   3   3.8209505900E+00   1.3114863000E+01  -4.7925312700E+00
    87   3   3.3905730200E+00   1.1818020420E+01  -5.6253696400E+00
    88   3   3.6642103500E+00   1.1704346760E+01  -4.0536964500E+00
    89   3   3.8944996100E+00   9.6028423300E+00  -8.5444268900E+00
    90   3   4.5722212400E+00   1.0893305480E+01  -7.8847529300E+00
    91   3   5.4861152300E+00   9.6864826400E+00  -8.4025969900E+00
    92   3   5.5148779600E+00   7.4960261500E+00  -7.0964425600E+00
    93   3   4.5259478600E+00   7.3309190900E+00  -5.8496587900E+00
    94   3   3.9340192300E+00   7.4177251800E+00  -7.3322760000E+00
    95   3   7.6454170000E+00   1.1256890070E+01  -6.8820485200E+00
    96   3   9.0125307700E+00   1.0429023810E+01  -6.7962909100E+00
    97   3   7.7887096600E+00   9.8656529100E+00  -7.6588146000E+00
    98   3   7.5590633400E+00   7.8673503900E+00  -4.6869834400E+00
    99   3   7.7603026600E+00   7.7361837800E+00  -6.2702009300E+00
   100   3   8.9616389700E+00   8.2590751700E+00  -5.3516049500E+00
0.0     0.0     0.0
7.565  0.0  0.0
0.859851504955  7.70215264646  0.0
3.37939009931  -0.125973185364  16.4918488446
Geometry = GenFormat {
<<< "TIPS_opt.gen"

Driver = ConjugateGradient {
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1
  MaxForceComponent = 1E-8
  MaxSteps = 10000
  LatticeOpt = No
  OutputPrefix = "geom_opt"

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  SCC = Yes
  SCCTolerance = 1e-10
  MaxSCCIterations = 20000
  Mixer = Broyden {
    MixingParameter = 0.99

  SlaterKosterFiles = Type2FileNames{
    Prefix = "Slako_3ob/"
    Separator = "-"
    Suffix = ".skf"

  MaxAngularMomentum = {
    H = "s"
    C = "p"
    Si = "d"

  Filling = Fermi {
     Temperature [Kelvin] = 300.0
  KpointsAndWeights = SuperCellFolding {
    2 0 0
    0 2 0
    0 0 2
    0.0 0.0 0.0

  Eigensolver = DivideAndConquer {}
  Differentiation = Richardson {}
  ThirdOrderFull = Yes
  DampXH = Yes
  DampXHExponent = 4.0
  HubbardDerivs {
   H = -0.1857
   C = -0.1492
   Si = -0.1

Dispersion = LennardJones {
Parameters = UFFParameters {}

Parallel {
  UseOmpThreads = Yes

ParserOptions = {
  ParserVersion = 5

Alessandro Landi, Assegnista di Ricerca
Dipartimento di Chimica e Biologia "Adolfo Zambelli"
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 - Fisciano (SA)
Phone number 089969390
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