[DFTB-Plus-User] Slater-Koster files
Georgeta Ungureanu
georgeta27 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 21:17:46 CEST 2014
Hi Nir
Thank you very much for your answer, it is very useful.
Apologies if I did not explained clear, what I need is do not have
repulsive interactions, so if I use PolynomialRepulsive option in
Hamiltonian part of dftb_in.hsd file I should specify No for the atoms
which I don't need repulsive interaction and Yes for the others which need
In the previous e-mail there is only the first of Slater-Koster files, the
block data, without the last part related to the splines, which I removed.
The calculation runs with splines, but once removed doesn't work anymore.
Should I remove also the third line, which contains the mass and the
polynomial repulsive coefficients and the cutoff radius of the repulsive
Thank you,
On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Goldman, Nir <goldman14 at llnl.gov> wrote:
> Hi Georgeta,
> You have the first part correct. One way to zero out all repulsive
> interactions is to first set the repulsive energy polynomial coefficients
> to zero, as you have done. Next, be sure to include the PolynomialRepulsive
> option in the Hamiltonian section of your dftb_in.hsd file. For example,
> for C-C interactions, you would include:
> PolynomialRepulsive = {
> C-C = Yes
> }
> Other than that, you don’t need to alter the skf in any way.
> The snippet of the skf file you sent is confusing. Did you delete lines
> between the third line of the file and the ‘Spline’ line?
> Hope that helps,
> Nir
> From: Georgeta Ungureanu <georgeta27 at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: User list for DFTB+ related questions <
> dftb-plus-user at mailman.zfn.uni-bremen.de>
> Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 10:08 AM
> To: "dftb-plus-user at mailman.zfn.uni-bremen.de" <
> dftb-plus-user at mailman.zfn.uni-bremen.de>
> Subject: [DFTB-Plus-User] Slater-Koster files
> Hello
> Can someone indicates me any Slater-Koster file without repulsive
> interactions/with zero repulsive terms?
> I tried already to build one but I cannot remove the splines.
> This is the 1'st part data block of Slater-Koster file:
> 0.02, 10
> 0.0 -0.19435511 -0.50489172, -0.0439, 0.341975 0.387425 , 0.3647 0.0
> 2.0 2.0
> 12.01, 9*0.0
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> 20*1.0,
> Spline
> 3 4.3
> 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
> 1.2 2.12 3.344853 -8.185615473079642 8.803750000000022 1.68154567477936
> 2.12 3.4 0.304864 -0.8787758072305507 1.097634414621329
> -0.7841058464386423
> 3.4 4.3 0.016 -0.006590813456982203 -0.02356970905317782
> -0.09209220073124012 0.2061755069509315 -0.1001089592255145
> Thank you,
> Georgeta
> --
> Nir Goldman
> Chemical Sciences Division, PLS
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
> P.O. Box 808, L-288
> Livermore, CA 94551-0808
> Phone: (925) 422-3994
> Fax: (925) 422-2382
> https://www-pls.llnl.gov/?url=about_pls-scientific_staff-goldman_n
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