[DFTB-Plus-User] Is there any parameter set including gold (Au)?

Pu ZHANG puzhang0702 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 17:05:48 CEST 2014

Thanks, Bálint!

Later I found there were people looking for gold parameters before. I
understand the situation. Also the parameters in the article I mentioned
are publicly accessible, but in Hotbit format. The conversion to DFTB+
compatible ones was discussed here. I don't know if anyone managed that.

By the way, by accident I notice Hotbit has the function of linear response
calculation. Is that something similar to the TD-DFTB to be released in

Best regards, Pu Zhang
The group of Structured Electromagnetic Materials
Department of Photonics Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Ørsteds Plads, Building 345v, 166
2800, Kgs. Lyngby
E-mail: puzha at fotonik.dtu.dk
Homepage: http://www.dtu.dk/Service/Telefonbog/Person?id=91944&tab=0
Phone: 45 25 36 43
Fax: 45 93 65 81

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 4:55 PM, Bálint Aradi <aradi at uni-bremen.de> wrote:

> >
> > I came across some papers dealing with gold clusters by DFTB codes like
> > DFTB+. However I couldn't find any parameter set including gold. Do you
> > have any clue?
> We do not have parameters for that so far. Having proper gold
> parameterization, especially if used for optimization purposes, is
> somewhat challenging. We are also working on that, however, I am not
> sure, when it will be published/released.
> You may contact the autors of the papers you've found directly and ask
> for the parametrization data.
>   Best regards,
>   Bálint
> --
> Dr. Bálint Aradi
> Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen
> http://www.bccms.uni-bremen.de/cms/people/b_aradi/
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