[DFTB-Plus-User] Band structure calculation for 2*2*2 Silicon supercell

Benjamin Hourahine benjamin.hourahine at strath.ac.uk
Wed Sep 3 17:34:15 CEST 2014

Dear Susmita

the original behaviour is confusing, but harmless in this situation, so the MaxSCCIterations = 1 case should be used.
The warning is a consequence that the grid to generate the band structure does not correctly integrate the charge
contributions across the Brillouin zone, so  should not be able to produce a converged self-consistent charge, but can
obtain a band structure for an already converged set of charges.

In the case of pure Si, self-consistency is not usually needed.



       Dr. B. Hourahine, SUPA, Department of Physics,
     University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building,
             107 Rottenrow, Glasgow G4 0NG, UK.
     +44 141 548 2325, benjamin.hourahine at strath.ac.uk

2013/4 THE Awards Entrepreneurial University of the Year
       2012/13 THE Awards UK University of the Year

    The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body,
         registered in Scotland, number SC015263

From: dftb-plus-user-bounces at mailman.zfn.uni-bremen.de [dftb-plus-user-bounces at mailman.zfn.uni-bremen.de] on behalf of Susmita Basak [basak at fhi-berlin.mpg.de]
Sent: 03 September 2014 16:15
To: dftb-plus-user at mailman.zfn.uni-bremen.de; Dftb plus user
Subject: [DFTB-Plus-User] Band structure calculation for 2*2*2 Silicon  supercell

Dear DFTB+ Community Members,

I am trying to calculate band structure for a 2*2*2 Silicon supercell.
For band structure calculation if I use well converged charges from a
previous run I use the following tags in the input file:

SCC = Yes
ReadInitialCharges = Yes
MaxSCCIterations = 1

But this gave me the following error--

-> SCC is NOT converged, maximal SCC iterations exceeded

If I change the MaxSCCIterations value to 3 I obtain SCC convergence.
Is it okay to go ahead with the results of this run? Can anyone help me
with this ?

The input files I used are attached below.

Thanks and regards,

Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany


Geometry = GenFormat {
<<< "input_geometry.gen"

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
SCC = Yes
ReadInitialCharges = Yes
MaxSCCIterations = 3

SlaterKosterFiles = Type2FileNames {
     Prefix =
     Separator = "-"
     Suffix = ".skf"

   MaxAngularMomentum {
     Si  = "d"
   Filling = Fermi {
     Temperature [Kelvin] = 0.0

KPointsAndWeights = Klines {
     1   0.5   0.5  0.5    # L
    36   0.0   0.0   0.0    # Gamma
    30   0.0   0.5   0.5    # X
    10   0.375 0.375 0.75   #K
    35   0.0   0.0   0.0    # Gamma

ParserOptions {
   ParserVersion = 4

# Input geometry

64 S
      1   1  -2.9487130000E-02   4.6082580000E-02  -7.7965000000E-03
      2   1   1.0889385390E+01   2.6952983200E+00   2.6851953300E+00
      3   1   1.0865623370E+01   5.4413451700E+00   5.5015257000E+00
      4   1   1.0691597580E+01   8.1440238800E+00   8.1585569500E+00
      5   1   2.7158302900E+00  -7.0057710000E-02   2.6540749100E+00
      6   1   2.7676297400E+00   2.7158138600E+00   5.4168288800E+00
      7   1   2.7238199600E+00   5.4284285100E+00   8.1526571600E+00
      8   1   2.7779456700E+00   8.1229823900E+00   3.6968210000E-02
      9   1   5.3930336900E+00   1.9005490000E-02   5.4017241600E+00
     10   1   5.4348890200E+00   2.7446084800E+00   8.1279683100E+00
     11   1   5.5462092100E+00   5.4720871000E+00   8.7391220000E-02
     12   1   5.3414901800E+00   8.1557463100E+00   2.7288806400E+00
     13   1   8.1473920100E+00   5.2395460000E-02   8.1886477100E+00
     14   1   8.1638224100E+00   2.6765112700E+00  -3.0530450000E-02
     15   1   8.2094121900E+00   5.4283998400E+00   2.6273788200E+00
     16   1   8.1029311800E+00   8.0963328800E+00   5.4418031300E+00
     17   1   2.7268415700E+00   2.7463805900E+00  -5.4477150000E-02
     18   1   2.7252655800E+00   5.3892512000E+00   2.7608824900E+00
     19   1   2.7591471200E+00   8.1219947800E+00   5.4230144000E+00
     20   1   2.7550818800E+00   5.5631970000E-02   8.1537025900E+00
     21   1   5.4326104700E+00   2.7407983900E+00   2.7321028300E+00
     22   1   5.4082195300E+00   5.4191550600E+00   5.5158770700E+00
     23   1   5.3774092300E+00   8.1982562900E+00   8.1093463300E+00
     24   1   5.3803299800E+00  -3.1511880000E-02  -4.4996720000E-02
     25   1   8.1635817900E+00   2.7298415100E+00   5.4841831200E+00
     26   1   8.1089712200E+00   5.4168435700E+00   8.2024434100E+00
     27   1   8.1424198000E+00   8.1298981100E+00   7.2693200000E-03
     28   1   8.0590421300E+00  -1.2907045000E-01   2.6378045100E+00
     29   1   4.2188170000E-02   2.7791679800E+00   8.1059886300E+00
     30   1   1.9674380000E-02   5.4527295000E+00   3.3448270000E-02
     31   1  -9.4614850000E-02   8.0629829400E+00   2.6944819100E+00
     32   1   1.0840341090E+01   3.0179680000E-02   5.4037969000E+00
     33   1   1.3216929000E+00   1.3316594100E+00   1.2613157400E+00
     34   1   1.3871474900E+00   4.0825009100E+00   4.0597436700E+00
     35   1   1.2952689900E+00   6.7912803000E+00   6.7863256300E+00
     36   1   1.3301377400E+00   9.5809172000E+00   9.5086157500E+00
     37   1   4.0887656900E+00   1.3838812000E+00   4.1018517000E+00
     38   1   4.0671852800E+00   4.0743083300E+00   6.8230398000E+00
     39   1   4.0753332100E+00   6.8110909100E+00   9.4522948800E+00
     40   1   4.1132728100E+00   9.4801753600E+00   1.3279732400E+00
     41   1   6.7976597400E+00   1.2796504500E+00   6.7708983100E+00
     42   1   6.8326325700E+00   4.0330866400E+00   9.5184274500E+00
     43   1   6.8233252400E+00   6.8470016900E+00   1.3560033000E+00
     44   1   6.6644933900E+00   9.4852887400E+00   3.9799218000E+00
     45   1   9.5230563400E+00   1.3010323700E+00   9.5213903400E+00
     46   1   9.5313217700E+00   4.0887933300E+00   1.3152727800E+00
     47   1   9.5047897800E+00   6.7404699700E+00   3.9851278300E+00
     48   1   9.3677853700E+00   9.4371711700E+00   6.8550046700E+00
     49   1   4.1148634800E+00   4.1136564000E+00   1.4472682900E+00
     50   1   4.0511503000E+00   6.7886278200E+00   4.0528777500E+00
     51   1   4.1256809500E+00   9.5118242000E+00   6.7484396400E+00
     52   1   4.0856989500E+00   1.3711682200E+00   9.4398071300E+00
     53   1   6.7706461800E+00   4.0334749700E+00   4.0747627200E+00
     54   1   6.7186861700E+00   6.8005814200E+00   6.8538645300E+00
     55   1   6.7479563000E+00   9.5281956600E+00   9.4586538800E+00
     56   1   6.8187141700E+00   1.3326405900E+00   1.4106458100E+00
     57   1   9.4856943500E+00   4.1381581400E+00   6.7607781400E+00
     58   1   9.4717364400E+00   6.7711836200E+00   9.4952745800E+00
     59   1   9.4896636900E+00   9.4140623200E+00   1.3199396200E+00
     60   1   9.5309220700E+00   1.3073976500E+00   4.0415944000E+00
     61   1   1.3792650900E+00   4.1001603500E+00   9.5119218300E+00
     62   1   1.3616670700E+00   6.7352043900E+00   1.4389961300E+00
     63   1   1.3543683800E+00   9.4876622000E+00   4.0610816200E+00
     64   1   1.4497059300E+00   1.3959424600E+00   6.7845263700E+00
   0.0000000000E+00   0.0000000000E+00   0.0000000000E+00
   1.0852135050E+01   0.0000000000E+00   0.0000000000E+00
   0.0000000000E+00   1.0852135050E+01   0.0000000000E+00
   0.0000000000E+00   0.0000000000E+00   1.0852135050E+01

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