[DFTB-Plus-User] Electric-field application on a CNT
SRKC Sharma Yamijala
sharmajncasr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 13:30:15 CEST 2014
Dear all,
I would like to simulate the formation of a vacancy in a Carbon NanoTube
(only Single Walled, ~ 1nm * 1nm) by the application of external laser
(electric-field). Can I achieve it through DFTB? Does geometry optimization
will be sufficient for these type of things to observe or I should go for
an MD run?
>From the previous posts, I came to know that one need to keep two point
charges in the negative and positive directions in the non-periodic
directions (say X) (if the CNT is periodic along Z-direction to produce the
I do know the frequency of the laser with which experimentalists have
created the vacancy and I believe I can calculate the amount of
Electric-field corresponding to this laser frequency. Following the below
post (by changing the charges) can I expect to see the creation of vacancy?
Sorry if I am asking something completely wrong.
--- From the post -----
Hamiltonian = DFTB {
SCC = Yes
ElectricField = {
PointCharges = {
CoordsAndCharges [AA] = {
0.0 0.0 100.0 1.0 # Charge +1 at 100AA above layer
0.0 0.0 -100.0 -1.0 # Charge -1 at 100AA below
--- From the post -----
*Chaitanya Sharma,*
*Prof. Pati'*s group,
Chemistry and Physics Materials unit,
Lab:: (080-2208) 2581, 2809
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