[DFTB-Plus-User] DFTB+ compiling problem

Bálint Aradi balint.aradi at bccms.uni-bremen.de
Tue Mar 18 16:13:43 CET 2014

Dear Chao,

 > [chao at lxslc51 intel64]$ ls
> libmkl_blas95_ilp64.a  libmkl_blas95_lp64.a  libmkl_lapack95_ilp64.a
>   libmkl_lapack95_lp64.a
> [chao at lxslc51 intel64]$ pwd
> /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64

That seems to me only a portion of the legacy MKL library. You are 
definitely missing some of the libs (e.g. libmkl_sequential.so, ...)

   Best regards,


Dr. Bálint Aradi
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen

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