[DFTB-Plus-User] Errors in installation of DFTB+
veerpal kaur dhiman
v.veerpal.h at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 12:36:02 CEST 2014
Dear sir,
Error which occurs is " dftb+: command not found". Sir you have told me to
use the full path /home/username/....../dftb+ in the last email. Sir i want
to ask that the path of which directory should i use means the path of
directory in which input file (dftb_in.hsd) is placed or the path of
dftb+_1.2.2_src (dftb+source code)? KIndly help me.
I will be very thankful to you .
Yours sincerely,
Veerpal Kaur ,
Physics Department,
Panjab University,
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Bálint Aradi <
balint.aradi at bccms.uni-bremen.de> wrote:
> Dear Chandigarh,
> >
> > Sir i have installed DFTB+ and now i am trying to run it. As given in
> > the DFTB+recipes, Release 11-09 i have created the input file named
> > "dftb_in.hsd" same as the example given in DFTB+ Recipes in the
> > directory named "tests" and put the slater koster set mio-0-1 in the
> > same directory. After that i opened the terminal and given the command
> > "cd tests" to change the directory to the same in which input file is
> > created. And then i given the command dftb+ without any arguments but
> > nothing happened i didn't got the same output as in DFTB+ Recipes. I
> > also tried the command ./dftb+ instead of only dftb+. But i am unable to
> > run DFTB+ program. What have i done wrong? Where is my mistake? Please
> > tell me if you have any idea
> Did you get any error message? Did the operating system find the dftb+
> executable? You have to put dftb+ to a place, where your operating
> system can find it (often ~/bin is a good choice), or otherwise you have
> to use the full path /home/username/...../dftb+ to invoke it.
> If you are rather unfamiliar with the Unix operating system, you should
> probably ask your local system administrator for help with installing
> and running programs.
> Best regards,
> Bálint
> --
> Dr. Bálint Aradi
> Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen
> http://www.bccms.uni-bremen.de/cms/people/b_aradi/
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