[DFTB-Plus-User] Si20 FPLO-geometry does not SCC-converge
Vivien Lorenz
v.lorenz at ifw-dresden.de
Mon Jun 2 11:58:09 CEST 2014
Dear all,
I've been trying to get a certain Si20 cluster converged with DFTB - a
3-fold symmetric structure as shown on the webpage
http://altair.physics.ncsu.edu/projects/sismall/siclust.html. I did not
have the coordinates of the structure, so guessed at them and firstly
optimized the geometry of the cluster under the given symmetry
constraints with the DFT code FPLO - no problems there. Now I used the
resulting atomic position as an input to DFTB, but I do not get the
charges self-consistently converged.
I have checked all coordinates - they are given in the same units in the
FPLO as well as in the DFTB output, and they are identical. All other
DFTB input files already worked for many other calculations. I am
appending my input files.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Thanks a lot,
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