[DFTB-Plus-User] How many atoms DFTB+ can handle

Bálint Aradi balint.aradi at bccms.uni-bremen.de
Mon May 5 10:42:04 CEST 2014

> I can run my jobs on a cluster which has 200 GB RAM and with 64
> processors (AMD).

I guess, you should be able to run a few thousand atoms on that. For
let's say 4000 atoms, I'd expect one total energy calculation (ca. 10
SCC-cycles + force calculation) taking less than an hour. Of course,
exact timings are depending on your actual system (how many orbitals),
and on your hardware.

> If possible, can anybody give the information on the speed of the
> calculations with a change in the number of processors and/or RAM size.

I attach one timing data for the MPI-branch. It was made on a rather
"old" machine. But, I strongly recommend to do such scaling tests on
yourself on your specific architecture. Especially, as you have an
SMP-machine, you should also try the normal version of DFTB+ linked with
some threaded LAPACK-library.

  Best regards,


Dr. Bálint Aradi
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen

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