[DFTB-Plus-User] Why the Borg-0-1 parameter set gives a negative repulsive potential value?

Bálint Aradi balint.aradi at bccms.uni-bremen.de
Wed Mar 19 10:10:32 CET 2014

Dear Yen,

> The reference "SCC-DFTB parameterization for boron and boranes. J. Chem.
> Theory Comput. 8, p. 1153" states that the parameter set is applicable to
> finite and perodic systems. I assume that this means it can be used for
> boron clusters. Also in dftb website they claim that this parameter set is
> fitted to molecular system so i think it should work even better for boron
> cluster. Anyhow, it shouldn't generate a negative value for "repulsive "
> energy. Forget to mention, my system is B_20 and the input structure is
> obtained from a global optimization program.

In ideal cases, the repulsive should be positive indeed. However, if you
look on the repulsive of Bohr as stored in the B-B SK-file (see attached
figure) you see, that it is negative in a wide region (Energies are
given in Ha, lengths in Bohr), so no wonder that you obtain negative
repulsive energies.

Now, whether a negative "repulsive" potential is always an evil thing or
not, is a different question. I am more for the pragmatic approach: The
repulsive potential just contains all terms which are not explicitely
calculated in the DFTB approach + all corrections compensating for the
errors we did in the explicitely calculated (but strongly approximated)

So, the advice is always the same: just compare the results for small
systems agains ab initio results. If they are fine and you get
qualitatively good results, scale up to bigger systems.

  Best regards,


Dr. Bálint Aradi
Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen

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