[DFTB-Plus-User] postdoc position for developing new DFTB parametrization files

Bryan M. Wong usagi at alum.mit.edu
Mon Jan 13 09:30:21 CET 2014

A position for a post-doctoral scholar to develop new DFTB parametrization
files/potentials is available in the computational materials science group
of Dr. Bryan M. Wong in Philadelphia, PA.

The candidate will carry out benchmark DFT calculations and develop new
DFTB parametrization files to understand electronic effects on surfaces and
nano-engineering for energy applications.

We are a highly-published multidisciplinary group with an interest in
chemistry and material science of large systems. A website of our interests
and publications can be found at


The post-doctoral scholar will:

Run calculations using standard and non-standard ab initio and quantum
Modify, develop DFTB parametrization files as needed.
Write journal articles on developed methods, calculations, and results.
Attend conferences and present work.

A Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, applied math, engineering, or similar.
Experience with developing new DFTB parametrization files.
Experience with quantum chemistry and/or solid-state systems.

For more information, contact Dr. Bryan Wong at usagi at alum.mit.edu .
To apply, please send a CV describing past/current research, publications,
and a list of 2-3 references.
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