[DFTB-Plus-User] problem in calculating DOS

Bhatt, Mahesh M.D.Bhatt at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Jan 9 17:31:22 CET 2013


I got the following error message for large donor-acceptor (pentacene-C60) heterojunctions (total 1224 atoms); however, there was no such problem with dimer:

==   Density Functional based Tight Binding with a lot of extensions (DFTB+)
==                              Release: 1.2 (p1)
==                            (ParserVersion = 4)

** Parsing and initializing

Interpreting input file 'dftb_in.hsd'
-> Fractional coordinates with absolute value greater than one.
Path: dftb_in/Geometry/GenFormat
Line: 1-1232 (File: dftb_in.hsd)

Reading SK-files:

Processed input in HSD format written to 'dftb_pin.hsd'

Starting initialization...
Mode:                        Static calculation
Self consistent charges:     Yes
SCC-tolerance:                 0.100000E-02
Max. scc iterations:                    100
Ewald alpha parameter:         0.367002E-01
Spin polarisation:           No
Nr. of up electrons:          1944.000000
Nr. of down electrons:        1944.000000
Periodic boundaries:         Yes
Diagonalizer:                Divide and Conquer
Mixer:                       Broyden mixer
Mixing parameter:                  0.200000
Maximal SCC-cycles:                     100
Nr. of chrg. vec. in memory:            100
Electronic temperature:        0.100000E-07
Initial charges:             Set automatically (system chrg:   0.000E+00)
Included shells:              C:  s, p
                              H:  s
K-points and weights:           1:  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000     0.000000
                                2:  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000     0.000000
                                3:  1.000000  0.100000  0.100000     1.000000
Extra options:

** Geometry step: 0

  iSCC Total electronic   Diff electronic      SCC error
> Failure in diagonalisation routine zhegvd, non-positive definite overlap! Minor   2593 responsible.

I am attaching input file here:

Geometry = GenFormat {
1224 F
 C H
1       1       -3.258574261    -1.716992366    -2.491412904
2       1       -3.511618315    -2.333692479    -1.236892805
3       1       -4.156749258    -3.588069355    -1.200952297
4       1       -4.540262281    -4.208824527    -2.420997696
5       1       -3.132062543    -1.712008845    -0.015631623
6       1       -4.408849926    -4.205224236    0.054518175
7       1       -3.388278348    -2.32647297     1.179973788
8       1       -4.032557781    -3.58577659     1.215868181
9       1       -2.990884138    -1.716992366    2.451343615
1101    2       6.408987565     2.224599485     0.069155158
1102    2       8.668025229     -2.225418564    -0.050185552
1103    2       6.55431549      2.230056699     2.55493351
1104    2       8.807092826     -2.225380712    2.434930382
1105    2       6.676677689     2.224599484     5.011911677
1106    2       8.935715352     -2.225418564    4.892570966
1107    2       8.47606113      -1.107305019    7.066609857
1108    2       7.352519914     1.100536105     7.126457208
1109    2       6.145186863     2.23045469      -4.891838382
1110    2       8.401469962     -2.229871613    -5.014034307
1111    2       7.720372637     -1.114790037    -7.14431868
1112    2       6.595753134     1.114956198     -7.08441293
1113    2       12.32400113     11.09684236     -2.51061969
1114    2       10.04120369     6.656867055     -2.384984869
1115    2       12.44636333     11.10229957     -0.053641524
1116    2       10.17164262     6.660467346     0.072557343
1117    2       12.59169126     11.09684236     2.432136828
1118    2       10.30889381     6.656867055     2.557771649
1119    2       12.71405346     11.10229957     4.889114994
1120    2       10.43933274     6.660467347     5.015313861
1121    2       11.12220016     7.783128571     7.127475991
1122    2       12.24919045     9.989150624     7.065438913
1123    2       12.18528725     11.10178803     -5.014782624
1124    2       9.900546331     6.656014296     -4.891045479
1125    2       10.35470501     7.767457729     -7.08281312
1126    2       11.4987811      9.987199071     -7.145775532
1127    2       6.286625367     8.150056699     -2.387823008
1128    2       8.539402702     3.694619288     -2.507826137
1129    2       6.408987565     8.144599485     0.069155158
1130    2       8.668025229     3.694581436     -0.050185552
1131    2       6.55431549      8.150056699     2.55493351
1132    2       8.807092826     3.694619288     2.434930382
1133    2       6.676677689     8.144599484     5.011911677
1134    2       8.935715352     3.694581436     4.892570966
1135    2       8.47606113      4.812694981     7.066609857
1136    2       7.352519914     7.020536105     7.126457208
1137    2       6.145186863     8.15045469      -4.891838382
1138    2       8.401469962     3.690128387     -5.014034307
1139    2       7.720372637     4.805209963     -7.14431868
1140    2       6.595753134     7.034956198     -7.08441293
1141    2       19.86400113     -0.743157642    -2.51061969
1142    2       17.58120369     -5.183132945    -2.384984869
1143    2       19.98636333     -0.737700427    -0.053641524
1144    2       17.71164262     -5.179532654    0.072557343
1145    2       20.13169126     -0.743157642    2.432136828
1146    2       17.84889381     -5.183132945    2.557771649
1147    2       20.25405346     -0.737700427    4.889114994
1148    2       17.97933274     -5.179532653    5.015313861
1149    2       18.66220016     -4.056871429    7.127475991
1150    2       19.78919045     -1.850849376    7.065438913
1151    2       19.72528725     -0.738211973    -5.014782624
1152    2       17.44054633     -5.183985704    -4.891045479
1153    2       17.89470501     -4.072542272    -7.08281312
1154    2       19.0387811      -1.85280093     -7.145775532
1155    2       13.82662537     -3.689943301    -2.387823008
1156    2       16.0794027      -8.145380712    -2.507826137
1157    2       13.94898757     -3.695400515    0.069155158
1158    2       16.20802523     -8.145418564    -0.050185552
1159    2       14.09431549     -3.689943301    2.55493351
1160    2       16.34709283     -8.145380712    2.434930382
1161    2       14.21667769     -3.695400516    5.011911677
1162    2       16.47571535     -8.145418564    4.892570966
1163    2       16.01606113     -7.027305019    7.066609857
1164    2       14.89251991     -4.819463895    7.126457208
1165    2       13.68518686     -3.68954531     -4.891838382
1166    2       15.94146996     -8.149871613    -5.014034307
1167    2       15.26037264     -7.034790037    -7.14431868
1168    2       14.13575313     -4.805043802    -7.08441293
1169    2       19.86400113     5.176842358     -2.51061969
1170    2       17.58120369     0.736867055     -2.384984869
1171    2       19.98636333     5.182299573     -0.053641524
1172    2       17.71164262     0.740467346     0.072557343
1173    2       20.13169126     5.176842359     2.432136828
1174    2       17.84889381     0.736867055     2.557771649
1175    2       20.25405346     5.182299573     4.889114994
1176    2       17.97933274     0.740467347     5.015313861
1177    2       18.66220016     1.863128571     7.127475991
1178    2       19.78919045     4.069150624     7.065438913
1179    2       19.72528725     5.181788027     -5.014782624
1180    2       17.44054633     0.736014296     -4.891045479
1181    2       17.89470501     1.847457729     -7.08281312
1182    2       19.0387811      4.067199071     -7.145775532
1183    2       13.82662537     2.230056699     -2.387823008
1184    2       16.0794027      -2.225380712    -2.507826137
1185    2       13.94898757     2.224599485     0.069155158
1186    2       16.20802523     -2.225418564    -0.050185552
1187    2       14.09431549     2.230056699     2.55493351
1188    2       16.34709283     -2.225380712    2.434930382
1189    2       14.21667769     2.224599484     5.011911677
1190    2       16.47571535     -2.225418564    4.892570966
1191    2       16.01606113     -1.107305019    7.066609857
1192    2       14.89251991     1.100536105     7.126457208
1193    2       13.68518686     2.23045469      -4.891838382
1194    2       15.94146996     -2.229871613    -5.014034307
1195    2       15.26037264     -1.114790037    -7.14431868
1196    2       14.13575313     1.114956198     -7.08441293
1197    2       19.86400113     11.09684236     -2.51061969
1198    2       17.58120369     6.656867055     -2.384984869
1199    2       19.98636333     11.10229957     -0.053641524
1200    2       17.71164262     6.660467346     0.072557343
1201    2       20.13169126     11.09684236     2.432136828
1202    2       17.84889381     6.656867055     2.557771649
1203    2       20.25405346     11.10229957     4.889114994
1204    2       17.97933274     6.660467347     5.015313861
1205    2       18.66220016     7.783128571     7.127475991
1206    2       19.78919045     9.989150624     7.065438913
1207    2       19.72528725     11.10178803     -5.014782624
1208    2       17.44054633     6.656014296     -4.891045479
1209    2       17.89470501     7.767457729     -7.08281312
1210    2       19.0387811      9.987199071     -7.145775532
1211    2       13.82662537     8.150056699     -2.387823008
1212    2       16.0794027      3.694619288     -2.507826137
1213    2       13.94898757     8.144599485     0.069155158
1214    2       16.20802523     3.694581436     -0.050185552
1215    2       14.09431549     8.150056699     2.55493351
1216    2       16.34709283     3.694619288     2.434930382
1217    2       14.21667769     8.144599484     5.011911677
1218    2       16.47571535     3.694581436     4.892570966
1219    2       16.01606113     4.812694981     7.066609857
1220    2       14.89251991     7.020536105     7.126457208
1221    2       13.68518686     8.15045469      -4.891838382
1222    2       15.94146996     3.690128387     -5.014034307
1223    2       15.26037264     4.805209963     -7.14431868
0.000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
30.1600000000000       0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
  0.000000000000000E+000   17.7600000000000       0.000000000000000E+000
   4.61786000000000        1.52704000000000        30.8793000000000

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  SCC = Yes
SCCTolerance = 1e-5
  SlaterKosterFiles {
  C-C = "C-C.skf"
  C-H = "C-H.skf"
  H-C = "H-C.skf"
  H-H = "H-H.skf"
  MaxAngularMomentum {
    C = "p"
    H = "s"
  Filling = Fermi {
    Temperature [Kelvin] = 0.0
KPointsAndWeights = {
  1   0   0
  0   1   0
  0   0   1
  0.1 0.1 0.1

Analysis {
  ProjectStates {
    Region {
      Atoms = C
      ShellResolved = Yes
      Label = "dos_c"
    Region {
      Atoms = H
      ShellResolved = Yes
      Label = "dos_h"

ParserOptions {
  ParserVersion = 4

 Please let me suggest how to get rid of such problem.

Mahesh Bhatt
University of Warwick
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