[DFTB-Plus-User] Band structure calculations for pentacene (2x2x2) supercell

Bhatt, Mahesh M.D.Bhatt at warwick.ac.uk
Fri Dec 14 18:17:59 CET 2012

Dear Prof. Balint,
Thank you for your suggestion. I did really work for making calculations by directly using DFTB+, but when I submitted the job in our queue (pbs) system, I got the following error after using the option 'MinimiseMemoryUsage = Yes':
==   Density Functional based Tight Binding with a lot of extensions (DFTB+)                                               
==                              Release: 1.2 (p1)                                                                          
==                            (ParserVersion = 4)                                                                          

** Parsing and initializing                                                     

Interpreting input file 'dftb_in.hsd'
Reading SK-files:                                                               

Processed input in HSD format written to 'dftb_pin.hsd'

Starting initialization...
Mode:                        Conjugate gradient relaxation                      
Self consistent charges:     Yes                                                
SCC-tolerance:                 0.100000E-04                                     
Max. scc iterations:                    100                                     
Ewald alpha parameter:         0.474931E-01                                     
Spin polarisation:           No                                                 
Nr. of up electrons:          6552.000000                                       
Nr. of down electrons:        6552.000000                                       
Periodic boundaries:         Yes                                                
Lattice optimisation:        Yes                                                
Pressure:                        0.000000                                       
Diagonalizer:                Divide and Conquer                                 
Mixer:                       Broyden mixer                                      
Mixing parameter:                  0.200000                                     
Maximal SCC-cycles:                     100                                     
Nr. of chrg. vec. in memory:            100                                     
Nr. of moved atoms:                    4032                                     
Max. nr. of geometry steps:            1000                                     
Force tolerance:               0.100000E-02                                     
Electronic temperature:        0.100000E-07                                     
Initial charges:             Set automatically (system chrg:   0.000E+00)       
Included shells:              C:  s, p                                          
                              H:  s                                             
K-points and weights:           1:  0.125000  0.125000  0.125000     0.031250   
                                2:  0.125000  0.125000  0.375000     0.031250   
                                3:  0.125000  0.125000  0.625000     0.031250   
                                4:  0.125000  0.125000  0.875000     0.031250   
                                5:  0.125000  0.375000  0.125000     0.031250   
                                6:  0.125000  0.375000  0.375000     0.031250   
                                7:  0.125000  0.375000  0.625000     0.031250   
                                8:  0.125000  0.375000  0.875000     0.031250
                                9:  0.125000  0.625000  0.125000     0.031250
                               10:  0.125000  0.625000  0.375000     0.031250
                               11:  0.125000  0.625000  0.625000     0.031250
                               12:  0.125000  0.625000  0.875000     0.031250
                               13:  0.125000  0.875000  0.125000     0.031250
                               14:  0.125000  0.875000  0.375000     0.031250
                               15:  0.125000  0.875000  0.625000     0.031250
                               16:  0.125000  0.875000  0.875000     0.031250
                               17:  0.375000  0.125000  0.125000     0.031250
                               18:  0.375000  0.125000  0.375000     0.031250
                               19:  0.375000  0.125000  0.625000     0.031250
                               20:  0.375000  0.125000  0.875000     0.031250
                               21:  0.375000  0.375000  0.125000     0.031250
                               22:  0.375000  0.375000  0.375000     0.031250
                               23:  0.375000  0.375000  0.625000     0.031250
                               24:  0.375000  0.375000  0.875000     0.031250
                               25:  0.375000  0.625000  0.125000     0.031250
                               26:  0.375000  0.625000  0.375000     0.031250
                               27:  0.375000  0.625000  0.625000     0.031250
                               28:  0.375000  0.625000  0.875000     0.031250
                               29:  0.375000  0.875000  0.125000     0.031250
                               30:  0.375000  0.875000  0.375000     0.031250
                               31:  0.375000  0.875000  0.625000     0.031250
                               32:  0.375000  0.875000  0.875000     0.031250
Extra options:
                             Eigenvector printing

!!! FAILED :   Array Allocation
!!! ERR. NR.:  41
!!! FILE:      /local/core313/aradi/trash/dftbp-1.2.1/src/prg_dftb/dftb+.F90
!!! LINE NR.:  322

My input file is as follows:
4032    2       14.13575313     7.034956198     -7.08441293
0.000000     0.000000     0.000000
 30.1600000000000       0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
  0.000000000000000E+000   17.7600000000000       0.000000000000000E+000
   6.92679000000000        2.29056000000000        46.3189500000000
Driver = ConjugateGradient {
  LatticeOpt = Yes
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1
  MaxForceComponent = 1E-3
  MaxSteps = 1000
  OutputPrefix = "geom.out"

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  SCC = Yes
  SlaterKosterFiles {
    C-C = "C-C.skf"
    H-H = "H-H.skf"
    C-H = "C-H.skf"
    H-C = "H-C.skf"
  MaxAngularMomentum {
    C = "p
    H = "s"
  Filling = Fermi {
    Temperature [Kelvin] = 0.0
KPointsAndWeights = supercellfolding {
4   0   0
0   4   0
0   0   4
0.5 0.5 0.5

Options {
MinimiseMemoryUsage = Yes
WriteDetailedXML = Yes
WriteEigenvectors = Yes

ParserOptions {
  ParserVersion = 4

This large interface has 4032 atoms and please let me know whether it is memory problem of our cluster or not.
Or is there any alternative way to overcome such problems in DFTB+?

Mahesh Bhatt
Univ. of Warwick



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