[DFTB-Plus-User] SCC unconvergence problem

Bhatt, Mahesh M.D.Bhatt at warwick.ac.uk
Mon Dec 3 17:57:30 CET 2012

Dear all ,
I got the SCC unconvergence problem for the following input structure. Please someone suggest me where is the problem in input file and how can we overcome it.

Geometry = GenFormat {
92 C
  C H N S

1       1       0.668   0.64    0.001
2       1       1.131   -0.701  0.005
3       4       0       -1.543  0.005
4       1       -1.131  -0.701  0
5       1       -0.669  0.639   -0.002
6       2       1.416   1.41    0.001
7       2       -1.417  1.409   -0.006
8       1       2.932   -2.64   0.001
9       1       2.469   -1.299  0.005
10      4       3.6     -0.457  0.005
11      1       4.731   -1.299  0
12      1       4.269   -2.639  -0.002
13      2       2.184   -3.41   0.001
14      2       5.017   -3.409  -0.006
15      1       7.838   0.64    0.001
16      1       8.301   -0.701  0.005
17      4       7.17    -1.543  0.005
18      1       6.039   -0.701  0
19      1       6.501   0.639   -0.002
20      2       8.586   1.41    0.001
21      1       5.544   1.624   -0.007
22      1       10.102  -2.64   0.001
23      1       9.639   -1.299  0.005
24      4       10.77   -0.457  0.005
25      1       11.901  -1.299  0
26      1       11.439  -2.639  -0.002
27      1       9.145   -3.625  0.001
28      2       12.187  -3.409  -0.006
29      1       -6.502  0.64    0.001
30      1       -6.039  -0.701  0.005
 31      4       -7.17   -1.543  0.005
32      1       -8.301  -0.701  0
33      1       -7.839  0.639   -0.002
34      1       -5.545  1.625   0.001
35      2       -8.587  1.409   -0.006
36      1       -4.238  -2.64   0.001
37      1       -4.701  -1.299  0.005
38      4       -3.57   -0.457  0.005
39      1       -2.439  -1.299  0
40      1       -2.901  -2.639  -0.002
41      2       -4.986  -3.41   0.001
42      1       -1.944  -3.624  -0.007
43      1       -9.633  -1.117  0.251
44      1       -10.524 -0.247  0.634
45      2       -9.886  -2.081  0.134
46      1       -11.533 -0.629  1.364
47      1       -10.403 1.004   0.286
48      3       -11.25  1.529   -0.554
49      3       -12.176 0.243   2.09
50      1       13.233  -0.883  0.251
51      1       13.562  0.369   0.099
52      2       13.919  -1.553  0.546
53      1       12.664  1.234   -0.283
54      1       14.786  0.752   0.33
55      3       12.9    2.511   -0.164
56      3       15.035  2.004   0.592
57      2       -4.573  1.378   -0.005
58      1       -5.903  2.878   0.009
59      2       -6.876  3.12    0.058
60      1       -4.998  3.813   -0.047
61      2       -4.03   3.567   -0.149
62      1       -5.384  5.181   0.037
63      2       -4.489  5.822   -0.029
64      2       -5.894  5.363   0.998
65      2       -6.07   5.423   -0.794
66      1       -2.302  -4.877  -0.01
67      2       -0.972  -3.377  -0.009
68      2       -3.276  -5.119  -0.014
69      1       -1.395  -5.812  -0.006
70      2       -0.423  -5.566  -0.008
71      1       -1.788  -7.181  0.001
72      2       -1.045  -7.782  -0.55
73      2       -2.774  -7.285  -0.483
74      2       -1.851  -7.542  1.042
75      2       4.572   1.377   -0.009
76      1       5.902   2.877   -0.01
77      1       4.995   3.812   -0.006
78      2       6.876   3.119   -0.014
79      1       5.388   5.181   0.001
80      2       4.023   3.566   -0.008
81      2       6.335   5.291   0.556
82      2       4.606   5.788   0.489
83      2       5.529   5.531   -1.036
84      1       9.503   -4.878  0.009
85      2       8.173   -3.378  -0.005
86      1       8.598   -5.813  -0.047
87      2       10.476  -5.12   0.058
88      1       8.984   -7.181  0.037
89      2       7.63    -5.567  -0.149
90      2       10.08   -7.25   0.146
91      2       8.674   -7.709  -0.881
92      2       8.499   -7.649  0.911
Driver = ConjugateGradient {
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1
  MaxForceComponent = 1E-3
  MaxSteps = 1000
  OutputPrefix = "geom.out"

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  maxscciterations = 1000
  SCC = Yes
  SlaterKosterFiles {
  C-C = "C-C.skf"
  C-H = "C-H.skf"
  H-C = "H-C.skf"
  H-H = "H-H.skf"
  C-N = "C-N.skf"
  N-C = "N-C.skf"
  N-N = "N-N.skf"
  C-S = "C-S.skf"
  S-C = "S-C.skf"
  S-S = "S-S.skf"
  N-S = "N-S.skf"
  S-N = "S-N.skf"
  H-N = "H-N.skf"
  N-H = "N-H.skf"
  H-S = "H-S.skf"
  S-H = "S-H.skf"
  MaxAngularMomentum {
    C = "p"
    H = "s"
    N = "p"
  S = "p"
  Filling = Fermi {
    Temperature [Kelvin] = 0.0

Options {
WriteDetailedXML = Yes
WriteEigenvectors = Yes

ParserOptions {
  ParserVersion = 4

I got the following message in the calculations....
Total Energy:                    -116.8040599970 H
 Total Mermin free energy:        -116.8040599970 H
-> SCC is NOT converged, maximal SCC iterations exceeded

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