[DFTB-Plus-User] lattice optimization

Mingtao Li mingtao.li at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 22:59:27 CEST 2012

Hi, DFTBers,

I am trying to optimize graphene with a hole in a peroidic structure.
When I turn off LatticeOpt, I can get a convergent output. However,
when I turn it on, I can't.

Could any body can help figure out the problem?

Thank you very much.

My dftb_in.hsd and C90.gen are as follows:


Geometry = GenFormat {

Driver = ConjugateGradient{
  LatticeOpt = Yes
  FixAngles = Yes
  FixLengths = {No No Yes}
  MovedAtoms = 1:-1
  MaxForceComponent = 1e-5
  MaxSteps = 300
  AppendGeometries = Yes
  OutputPrefix = "C90-optimized"
  ConvergentForcesOnly = Yes

Hamiltonian = DFTB {
  SCC = Yes
  SCCTolerance = 1e-5
  MaxSCCIterations  = 300
  MaxAngularMomentum = {
    C = "p"
  Eigensolver = DivideAndConquer {}
  Filling = Fermi {
    Temperature [K] = 1000.0
    IndependentKFilling = No

  SlaterKosterFiles = Type2FileNames{
    Prefix = "/myhome/slakofiles/"
    Separator = "-"
    Suffix = ".skf"
    LowerCaseTypeName = No

  KPointsAndWeights = {
  0 0 0 1

Options = {}

ParserOptions = {
  WriteHSDInput = Yes
  WriteXMLInput = No
  StopAfterParsing = No


   90  S
    1 1    0.1413199816E+01    0.2734226852E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    2 1    0.7034243684E+00    0.3963622397E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    3 1    0.1417499669E+01    0.5192620596E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    4 1    0.2837696931E+01    0.2736041784E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    5 1    0.3551431959E+01    0.3965594452E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    6 1    0.5674363717E+01    0.2733298855E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    7 1    0.7015848975E+00    0.6421815488E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    8 1    0.1413640674E+01    0.7650009056E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    9 1    0.2841872879E+01    0.5195864151E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   10 1    0.3556636597E+01    0.6428145707E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   11 1    0.4978124420E+01    0.3967607362E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   12 1    0.5702105640E+01    0.5198641526E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   13 1    0.7092490256E+01    0.2741155108E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   14 1    0.7795924278E+01    0.3983056027E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   15 1    0.9930614335E+01    0.2741154785E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   16 1    0.7015855050E+00    0.8878203681E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   17 1    0.1417498835E+01    0.1010739867E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   18 1    0.2838593390E+01    0.7650009835E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   19 1    0.3556636662E+01    0.8871872702E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   20 1    0.4986998418E+01    0.6438816701E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   21 1    0.5713252853E+01    0.7650009542E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   22 1    0.7116502716E+01    0.5222406628E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   23 1    0.9227182237E+01    0.3983056278E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   24 1    0.9906603665E+01    0.5222405330E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   25 1    0.1134874231E+02    0.2733299023E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   26 1    0.1204497990E+02    0.3967607165E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   27 1    0.1418540726E+02    0.2736042098E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   28 1    0.7034251885E+00    0.1133639707E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   29 1    0.1413198835E+01    0.1256579312E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   30 1    0.2841873043E+01    0.1010415536E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   31 1    0.3551432149E+01    0.1133442503E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   32 1    0.4986998586E+01    0.8861202931E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   33 1    0.5702106828E+01    0.1010137673E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   34 1    0.1132099989E+02    0.5198641167E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   35 1    0.1203610745E+02    0.6438816650E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   36 1    0.1347167233E+02    0.3965593770E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   37 1    0.1418123222E+02    0.5195865147E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   38 1    0.1560990443E+02    0.2734226248E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   39 1    0.1631967963E+02    0.3963623780E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   40 1    0.7019600525E+00    0.1379819015E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   41 1    0.1409103805E+01    0.2700101160E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   42 1    0.2837697025E+01    0.1256397758E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   43 1    0.3542740034E+01    0.1379907670E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   44 1    0.4978124734E+01    0.1133241129E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   45 1    0.5674363941E+01    0.1256672081E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   46 1    0.7116502259E+01    0.1007761329E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   47 1    0.7795924831E+01    0.1131696192E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   48 1    0.9906603969E+01    0.1007761450E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   49 1    0.1130985417E+02    0.7650009422E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   50 1    0.1203610719E+02    0.8861202797E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   51 1    0.1346646666E+02    0.6428145167E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   52 1    0.1418451158E+02    0.7650009786E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   53 1    0.1560560389E+02    0.5192619304E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   54 1    0.1632151913E+02    0.6421815949E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   55 1    0.7019596952E+00    0.1501829402E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   56 1    0.2834367134E+01    0.2700099742E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   57 1    0.3542740401E+01    0.1500944333E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   58 1    0.4964552545E+01    0.1379915208E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   59 1    0.5671656375E+01    0.2700107180E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   60 1    0.7092490315E+01    0.1255886363E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   61 1    0.7801235146E+01    0.1379494025E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   62 1    0.9227181585E+01    0.1131696162E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   63 1    0.9930614192E+01    0.1255886388E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   64 1    0.1132099857E+02    0.1010137691E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   65 1    0.1204497946E+02    0.1133241132E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   66 1    0.1346646651E+02    0.8871873110E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   67 1    0.1418123195E+02    0.1010415423E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   68 1    0.1560946307E+02    0.7650009030E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   69 1    0.1632151849E+02    0.8878203171E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   70 1    0.4964552505E+01    0.1500867882E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   71 1    0.7095970600E+01    0.2700100293E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   72 1    0.7801235157E+01    0.1505079547E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   73 1    0.9221870778E+01    0.1379493973E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   74 1    0.9927133412E+01    0.2700099963E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   75 1    0.1134874201E+02    0.1256672051E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   76 1    0.1205855044E+02    0.1379915241E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   77 1    0.1347167203E+02    0.1133442557E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   78 1    0.1418540708E+02    0.1256397715E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   79 1    0.1560560464E+02    0.1010739992E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   80 1    0.1631967876E+02    0.1133639565E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   81 1    0.9221870813E+01    0.1505080026E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   82 1    0.1135145004E+02    0.2700106668E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   83 1    0.1205855053E+02    0.1500867433E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   84 1    0.1348036490E+02    0.1379907685E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   85 1    0.1418873610E+02    0.2700099444E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   86 1    0.1560990535E+02    0.1256579369E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   87 1    0.1632114449E+02    0.1379818942E+02    0.1000000000E+02
   88 1    0.1348036457E+02    0.1500944094E+01    0.1000000000E+02
   89 1    0.1561400047E+02    0.2700100973E+00    0.1000000000E+02
   90 1    0.1632114487E+02    0.1501830120E+01    0.1000000000E+02
    0.0000000000E+00    0.0000000000E+00    0.0000000000E+00
    0.1704300000E+02    0.0000000000E+00    0.0000000000E+00
    0.0000000000E+00    0.1476000000E+02    0.0000000000E+00
    0.0000000000E+00    0.0000000000E+00    0.2000000000E+02

Mingtao Li,     Ph.D
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China
Tel: +86-29-82668296-11                      Fax: +86-29-82669033
E-mail: mingtao dot li at gmail dot com

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